A number of people provided helpful feedback during the development of GaussSum:
Prof Ziyang Liu, Zhejiang University, P.R.China, who found a bug in the output of MO.py for unrestricted calculations
Fred Coughlin, Princeton, U.S., who found a couple of bugs in my code for CD spectra
Li Daobing and Jordan Mantha who have packaged GaussSum up for Debian and Ubuntu users
Neil Berry, Liverpool, who helped to increase GaussSum support for GAMESS files
Julien Chiron, Faculté des Sciences de Saint Jérôme, Marseille, France helped me add support for GAMESS and is perhaps the first Mac user of GaussSum (see screenshots)
Avril Coghlan, formerly of Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, thought of the name (it rhymes with awesome!) and suggested various web page improvements
Elmar Gerwalin, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, who helped me enormously in getting GaussSum (a) to run in Linux and (b) to work for other people's calculations
Denis G. Golovanov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow and his non-symmetry-containing logfile provided another challenge to GaussSum
Guillaume Herlam, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France who requested and tested COOP diagrams
Roma Oakes, Queens University Belfast, made many useful comments regarding the initial development, especially regarding IR_Raman.py
Ullrich Siehl, University of Ulm, Germany, who made a number of suggestions that lead to the creation of version 0.9.
In order to create GaussSum, I had to learn a few things. I found the following resources very helpful:
O'Reilly's The Definitive Guide to DocBook came in handy when writing the documentation.
O'Reilly's Learning Python was obviously a wise investment.
Fredrik Lundh's An Introduction to Tkinter was invaluable in creating the GUI for GaussSum.
The digital hermit's page helped me create the GaussSum logo.